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Help Staff To Work In-Front Of Camera

When we train people in business to make video presentations we don't expect, nor do we want, to turn them into actors.

We're not trying to find the next Brad Pitt or Kate Winslett but we can all improve the way we communicate and presenting to a video camera is amongst the toughest forms of communication.

We can all improve the way we get our messages across and our video training is all about practise and making sure that the staff presenting understand the message that your company is trying to project and delivering that message in the best possible way.

There are a number of different ways Media-Vu has to get the best performance from staff but, in headline terms, a good presentation to camera boils everything down to three key messages.Graham Miller - Media-Vu

Your chosen presenter needs to really understand what the message is (perhaps by writing out their lines) then learning the message like lines from a script and then delivering them as a good story.

It's like telling a joke

The first time you tell a joke you're a bit wary, you hold back a bit, you're not very confident. The second time you're getting a bit more used to the words you want to use and it comes across better. Then the third, fourth or fifth time down the line you know what you want to say and you're giving it everything, you're giving the joke a lot of welly - you know it and you're laughing as you're telling it which encourages other people to laugh back at you and your performance gets better and better and better. And that's exactly the same process that's required to present to camera, telling your business story and taking your audience along with you.

You can never practise enough

Confident presentations to camera are simply about practising so that you know what the words are and then working around the words, how you're delivering your story. It's just like telling a joke but it's practise, it's a performance and we can all improve on what we do. We've got to make our messages compelling and we can all do that just by working out what it is we want to say before practising and practising and practising and, in my view, you can never practise enough.

Media-Vu's Media Tips

Media-Vu's Media Tip #166 by @Mevu

If you're a social networker - and you are aren't you - everything you say or write is "live". #mediaTip
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